The health care choices a person makes become the health care the person receives.
To assist communities develop a successful advance care planning process.
- Promote advance care planning through community and professional outreach and education.
- Promote standardization of advance care planning.
- Establish base of financial support.
Training Opportunities
Coming Soon!
The North Dakota Medical Association and Quality Health Associates of North Dakota have been instrumental in developing a POLST program presence through Honoring Choices® North Dakota. The standardized North Dakota Portable Medical Orders Training (POLST) form that can be used for patients diagnosed with serious illnesses throughout North Dakota.
Health Care Directives
Start here by learning more about your legal rights and values to help you make the choices for you and your family.
COVID-19 Resources
There is no better circumstance than a global pandemic to remind us that completing a health care directive or revising an existing directive is essential for all adults. This guide will help you through the process of advance care planning in the context of COVID-19.
Learn how to promote advance care planning in your community or to make a plan that communicates your choices to your family and loved ones.

COVID-19 is taxing the emotional health of clinicians in all disciplines and settings. No matter how you are feeling right now — overwhelmed, burned out, at a loss for words — we want to remind you of CAPC’s free resources that are available, at any time of day. Below is a selection of resources to help you, and your team, with COVID-related emotional distress.